Supplemental Plans
OMERS Presentation at 2007 Counties, Regions & Single Tier Conference. Includes information on Plan performance and examples of benefits and costings for the five supplemental plan provisions. October 21, 2007
OMERS Supplemental Plan. OMERS' reply to AMO's concerns on the Supplemental Plan design. OMERS is pushing forward to file the Supplemental Plan with the Regulator by the end of April. This timing is apparently needed in order "to approach the Province for a solvency exemption and the Province has indicated that they cannot address the issue of solvency relief until they have in their possession a copy of the plan text filed with the Regulator..."Following the filing of the Supplemental Plan, the Administration Corporation will undertake a full briefing on the Supplemental Plans with sponsors and then with stakeholders. These briefings will include more detailed cost analysis, as requested. We will inform the sponsors and stakeholders of the timing for these briefings as soon as possible." There was no rationale for why the detailed cost analysis can't be shared immediately. April 12, 2007
Letter to David Kingston, Chair, OMERS Administration Corp. Re: Followup to February 19, 2007 correspondence from Executive Director, AMO. April 10, 2007
Letter to David Kingston, Chair, OMERS Administration Corp. Re: Development of Supplemental Plans. February 19, 2007
Letter to All Heads of Council re: Bill 206. January 16, 2006